Memoir Writing Workshop with Kate Kerrigan + show Am I Irish Yet?

Want to tell your own tale of identity and belonging? Award-winning author Kate Kerrigan leads a two hour memoir-essay workshop focussing on stories about diaspora and immigrant experiences. Self-taught writer, Morag Prunty became a magazine editor at 21 editing titles such as Just Seventeen and More! before moving to her parents native Ireland in the 90s where she became New York Times bestselling author Kate Kerrigan. As Kate, she has written ten novels (“Ellis Island”, “Recipes for a perfect marriage”) and published a weekly newspaper column for over fifteen years. Kate contributes regularly to RTE’s Sunday Miscellany and her novels have been translated into 24 languages. Am I Irish Yet? is her first stage piece. We offer you a wonderful, 2 hours long workshop with this amazing writer (starts at 14:00) together with her fantastic show “Am I Irish Yet?” at 19:30 to follow. All that for only 25€! (Show without workshop- 18 €)