Tir Na Nog Youth Festival

Tir Na Nog: Free Wellbeing and Art & Crafts Day, TUS Clonmel Campus Get arty and get crafty at our 1st ever Festival Day, TUS Clonmel Campus, Thursday Sept 26th 11am till 5pm. It is a day dreamed up by students for students/young adults and is dedicated to wellbeing, arts & crafts. There is a lively line up with wobbly circus, and local artists inviting you to take part in mud painting and print making. We will have a mini farm on site for sketching (or just go and hold the baby animals, you know you want to!). There will be an obstacle course and nerf war. Or to relax, try out the yoga or pilates sessions. For further information or to book a group please contact Marie at mariea.walsh@tus.ie This festival is funded and made possible by slaintecare healthy communities.