Marlfield Artists Exhibition

Marlfield Artist Exhibition Marlfield not only is a very picturesque village it also has wonderful talent. This talent can be witnessed in the Marlfield Artist Exhibition 10th – 20th April at Clonmel Library. The exhibits are the creations of various artist, all from Marlfield and surrounds. Work includes landscape paintings, portraits, flora & fauna, seascapes and abstracts in oils, watercolours, slate pictures, pencil drawings and wood turned pieces. There is a wonderful variation of styles. The exhibitors are Mary Dahill, Mary Williams, Dolores Fennessey, Bartley Burke, Brendan Hogg, Mary Bridget Mackey, Catherine O’Gorman, Lisha Walsh, Anthony Mordaunt, Annie Hogg, Janet Lennon, Caroline Duggan, Ben Dromey, and Jacqueline Gartlan. Also on display are photographs from Marlfield National School. You would never know who you may spot here. Kindly on loan are samples of needlework also from Marlfield School dating back to 1918. Alongside watercolours painted in the 1920’s by Lilla Perry nee Bagwell. Opening on Wednesday 10th April 6pm by Maureen Purcell of STAG. Kindly sponsored By Camida and Super Valu, Poppyfield. Exhibition runs until 20th April