Strolling Through Ulysses! By Robert Gogan at The Source Arts Centre

Join us on Wednesday afternoon June 15th at 3pm where we take a stroll through James Joyce's most famous novel Ulysses with Robert Gogan. 'Strolling Through Ulysses' guides you through the curious events and quirky characters of Ulysses, in a humorous, entertaining and informative manner, with extracts from the novel which best illustrate the various aspects of Joyce’s writing – the comical, the descriptive and the complex – without compromising the integrity of the great book. Joyce, speaking about Ulysses once famously declared, ‘there is not one serious line in it.’ Strolling Through Ulysses! certainly proves that! So hold on to your hats and take a deep breath as Robert Gogan takes you on a 75 minute whistle-stop tour through the fun and laughter which is the backbone of James Joyce’s extraordinary and celebrated novel.