Psychic Night in Roscrea - Tipperary

Psychic Night in Roscrea-Tipperary Tuesday 27th June 2023 Racket Hall Country House Hotel Dublin Road, Roscrea, Co. Tipperary, E53 WV00, Ireland Ticket €20 from Eventbrite. 8pm-10pm Be part of an evening of magical mediumship as Fiona Stewart Williams, International Psychic Medium brings her new amazing tour to Racket Hall Country House Hotel Deeply compassionate, compelling, and sometimes shocking Fiona’s events illustrate just how our loved ones still shape, form, and influence our life from the Spirit World. Fiona shares her remarkable gift by bringing comfort in the knowledge that loved ones still draw close and give guidance daily. During this show, Fiona’s friendly and bubbly personality shines as she shares the stories of loved ones in a unique, honest, and sometimes utterly hilarious way. Whilst not everyone will receive a message, Fiona hopes that you will experience the joy of families being reunited and have comfort in the knowledge that the soul lives on. The main focus of these events is to bring some sense of comfort and healing both from listening to the stories of love ones leaving you with the knowledge that your loved ones stand closer than could ever imagine - a whisper away.