Cashel Choral & Dramatic Society presents BRUSH WITH A BODY by Maurice McLoughlin

Cashel Choral & Dramatic Society presents Brush With A Body by Maurice McLoughlin Henry, Cynthia and Sarah decide to revamp an unused room at home while their mother is away on holidays. That work includes having a chimney swept that hasn’t been used for many years. Flaherty the sweep undertakes the job but finds more than just soot up the chimney - in fact, there’s a shocking discovery made up there!!! Who put it there? When? Why? And who knew about it? So many questions to be answered. And the most urgent question of all? What do they do now?! Plans are made to deal with the crisis but misunderstandings and surprise visitors throw the whole situation into hilarious chaos, with laugh-out-loud consequences! Brush With A Body is directed by Oliver Corbett and runs from Thursday 23rd to Sunday 26th November at 8pm each evening in Brú Ború. Tickets are €15, with €10 concession tickets for students and senior citizens for shows on Thursday 23rd. Tickets available from O’Dwyer’s Pharmacy, Main St., Cashel and Brú Ború on 062 61122. This amateur production of "Brush With A Body" is presented by arrangement with Concord Theatricals Ltd. on behalf of Samuel French Ltd. Grant aided by Tipperary County Council.