NonViolent Communication Foundation Weekend Course

Event poster
Event Description

Relationships are one of the most, if not the most important, aspect of our lives. At the same time, they’re one of the most difficult parts. NonViolent Communication (NVC) provides tools and skills to navigate some of the challenges involved in making and maintaining meaningful connections. It can transform our relationships with friends, family, colleagues, everyone, and even our relationships with ourselves, as we come to further understand and reorient our communication towards what matters most to us. We’ve all been in situations where we’ve tried to express what’s important to us, and somehow it didn’t go the way we hoped… or just fell apart all together! Or when we’ve kept quiet and not said anything at all, but wished that we knew how to speak up for what matters to us. We’ve all had times where we struggle to understand other people’s motivations. Or we wish they understood us better! NVC enables us to see our shared humanity, and gives tools that support us to communicate across differences. It contrasts with conventional communication styles where, particularly in times of conflict or tension, there can be little awareness, or care, of how well our communication is likely to be received. Through the practice of NVC, we can create internal space to slow down before we react, take responsibility for ourselves and our own emotions, and stop blaming and judging others whenever we feel out of sorts. We also learn to express ourselves in ways that are more likely to ‘land’ well with others, and to keep us in connection. Mel White and Aaron Bailey are holding a series of weekend trainings to delve deep into our lives, exploring connection (the moments we find meaning in) and disconnection (the moments that collapse our nervous systems) – all part of this messy human experience! For Mel and Aaron, NVC helps bring clarity, authenticity, and empathy to this shared human experience. They would like to share this with anyone else willing to explore their communication and listening patterns, and inner worlds full of feelings, needs, and desires for more fulfilling lives. With the escalating levels of conflict, violence, and disharmony in the world they feel called to offer spaces where compassionate states of consciousness can nurture each other and thrive, so they’re holding these events through the year. Dates to save: Sat 8th & Sun 9th June, Introduction to NVC weekend in Cloughjordan, Tipperary. Sat 12th & Sun 13th October, Intermediate NVC weekend in Cloughjordan, Tipperary. 10am – 5.30pm, please bring lunch and any food you’d like to share. For overnight options see Djangos Hostel in the Ecovillage, or other BnB options (if you’re stuck let us know and we may have some additional contacts). Trainings in other locations, TBC, please contact if you’d like to invite us to your area. Financial contribution: We’re choosing a sliding scale approach to respond to vastly differing financial situations. Anywhere from €80 to €160+ (if you can afford it), with an average of €120 would sufficiently support the costs of running the weekend. AND we don’t want anyone to opt out of coming for financial reasons, so let’s find an arrangement that supports all of us – please get in touch to discuss bursary, concessions, or other gift economy offerings. To book/ register your interest: Please fill in this form: Further info: And email to confirm your place. And if you’d like to join a specific mailing list for these kinds of events (you can also opt in/out for ecstatic dance, artistic, and sustainability events we’re part of) here:

Event Status
Event Type
Event Categories
Keep Well
Event Start Time
10:00 am
Event Start Date
Event End Time
05:30 pm
Event End Date
Venue Name
Enterprise Centre
Venue Email
Organiser Name
Mel White
Organiser Email
Organiser Telephone