Broken Fields - Art, What is it Good For?

Broken Fields - Art, what is it good for? In partnership with Clonmel Junction Arts Festival Broken Fields presents Art, What is it good for? a social space guided by the question: ‘How can we co-create a space with the public in Clonmel?’ It is a work-in-progress for the duration of the festival, punctuated with encounters that stimulate discussion and support collective creative practice. Activities include collective canopy making, printmaking and conversations with a series of invited artists, printmakers, community workers, architects, writers, musicians, and activists. Programme Saturday, 1 July: 2-4pm • Building Worlds with Words: Poster Making and Collective Canopy Making with Broken Fields and Print Van Go. This is a drop-in workshop with a maximum capacity of 15. Saturday, 8 July: 2-5pm ● 12-1pm: Building Worlds with Words: Poster Making and Collective Canopy Making with Broken Fields and Print Van Go. This is a drop-in workshop with a maximum capacity of 15. ● 3.15-4.30pm: Round Table Discussion with Red Wheelbarrow Productions (RWP). RWP is a creative platform for examining questions of governance, power and social justice in the field of youth work and community development. In this Round Table discussion Red Wheelbarrow will focus on the deprivation index and how it is used as a measure of poverty. Artist Aoife Barrett of Print Van Go will print LIVE in response to the conversation, which will be accompanied by the presentation of a Red Wheelbarrow Productions poster series produced for the South Tipperary Arts Centre / Clonmel Junction Arts Festival. ● 4.30-5pm: Song into the Unknown: Independent song writers Padraig Stevens and Siobhán Kavanagh respond to Social Space through instruments and song. Broken Fields is a multi-disciplinary collective made up of individual practitioners Louise Harrington, Enya Moore, Aideen O’ Donovan and Kate O’ Shea. Broken Fields brings together experience, knowledge, and practice from the fields of socially engaged art, architecture, community work, activism, research, and writing. The name Broken Fields refers to the breaking down of disciplines, siloes, and fields. In the breaking down of these constructed boundaries, Broken Fields brings together the strengths of diverse practices in processes, projects and spaces that are deeply place-based.