Elder Abuse Awareness Day Information Event

To mark World Elder Abuse Awareness Day 2022, Silver Arch Family Resource Centre, in conjunction with the HSE Safeguarding and Protection Team, are hosting a free coffee morning in Tyone Community Centre on Wednesday 15th June 2022 from 11am to 12:30pm. This day hopes to be a useful platform to provide information on how and where to access support if people are concerned for themselves or others. With the theme of the day being “Rights Don’t Get Old”, guest speakers on the day are Cora Ryan, Social Worker with the HSE Safeguarding and Protection Team, Lorraine Dolan, regional co-ordinator with SAGE Advocacy, and Inspector Ailish Myles with the local division of An Garda Síochána. Each will be making themselves available throughout the morning to talk with anyone who might want to learn more about safeguarding and protection. All are welcome to this free information event, however spaces are limited so you can book by ringing Silver Arch Family Resource Centre reception at 067-31800